Part 54
In this update.... THE PLOT THICKENS! After endless wandering, that is.So here in Destiny Land, the heroes fall UPSTAIRS.
You are going to see that again and again and again and again AND AGAIN in thisarea. The Destiny Land is FILLED with Luck incenses.
The fourth floor is different from the other ones. It had a couple of authentic dead ends that lead to nowhere. And it contains what the party is here to SLAY.
Teleport/fall, find Luck Incense, Teleport/Fall, find Incense.
At least it is giving a nice boost to Stamos' Luck stat. Used a couple on Pascal, too, just for variety.
Wikipedia posted:
In Greek mythology a Cyclops, or Kyklops (Greek Κύκλωψ), is a member of a primordial race of giants, each with a single round eye in the middle of its forehead. The plural is Cyclopes or Kyklopes (Greek Κύκλωπες). The name means "round-" or "wheel-eyed".
Hesiod describes one group of cyclopes and Homer describes another. In Hesiod's Theogony, Zeus releases the Cyclopes, the sons of the sky (Uranus) and the earth (Gaia), from the dark pit of Tartarus. They provide Zeus's thunderbolt, Hades' helmet of invisibility, and Poseidon's trident, and the gods use these weapons to defeat the titans. In a famous passages of Homer's Odyssey, the hero Odysseus encounters the Cyclops Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon and a nereid (Thoosa), who lives with his fellow Cyclopes in a distant country. The connection between the two groups has been debated in antiquity and by modern scholars.
End result: If they were not enthralled by the Magic Bullets, they fell asleep with the Succubus' Dolminer. Easy as pie.
Take that!
How could a disembodied head give birth to Orthrus?
Really? Tell us more.
Well, they have fallen quite a bit then, for a human (even a very exceptional human like Stamos is) to be killing them oh so easily.
Also: In the SMT games, angels are asshats. All of them. Even the s&m ones.
Because that way, it'll bring Stamos to be a hardcore Law asshat. Then coming back to Shinagawa and facing the angelic asshat will trigger a choice. Then choosing to kill him will bring back Stamos to NEUTRALITY.
And if it doesn't, oh well, whatever. Whall follow the appropriate path then.
Next update: Going back to Shinagawa, and NOT FORGETTING TO BUY THE DAMN MINIGUN THIS TIME.